What is a HTML file
HTML (HyperText Markup Language) file is a plain text file with a .html or .htm file extension. It contains code that is read and interpreted by web browsers to display web pages.
HTML files are created using a plain text editor or specialized HTML editors, such as Adobe Dreamweaver or Notepad++. They consist of a set of markup tags, enclosed in angled brackets (<>), which are used to define the structure and content of the web page. It also allows for the inclusion of images, videos, and audio files through the use of URLs and embedding codes. This makes it possible for web designers and developers to create dynamic and interactive web pages with multimedia elements.
Users can see the HTML coding by looking at the "View Source" tab on their browser, while some email programs allow the use of HTML to format the text of a document.
HTML has evolved over time, with new versions introducing new features and improvements. HTML 4 is the previous version and is still widely used, while HTML 5 is the current version and includes new features such as multimedia support and improved accessibility options.
How to open a HTML file
HTML documents can be opened by any web browser, such as:
- Google Chrome
- Mozilla Firefox
- Microsoft Edge
- Safari
- Opera
- Internet Explorer
In addition to web browsers, there are also text editors and integrated development environments (IDEs) that can open HTML files, such as:
- Sublime Text
- Visual Studio Code
- Atom
- Notepad++
- Dreamweaver