Use our PDF editing & conversion tools on your website!

Welcome to the developer area of the PDF editor & converter tools of PDF2Go.

Here, we offer you two useful tools that will help you to use all kinds of PDF editing as well as file conversion tools on your own website.

Give your users the added value of editing a PDF for free as well as different PDF converter services, such as PDF to Word conversion and conversion of many formats into the versatile PDF format – all with just one click.

How to edit a PDF using a link on your website

This option allows you to integrate a simple text link into your website to edit PDF online, use Microsoft Word to PDF conversion, and so much more. To use this simple redirect to our PDF editor, copy the following code and paste it into your website text.

Clicking on it will send your users to our PDF editor, a converter, or any other PDF editing tool of your choosing. Simply use the respective link in the code example.

The GET parameter remote_url needs to contain the URL to the PDF document you want your users to edit. Please note that the GET parameter remote_url needs to be urlencoded.

                    <a href="" rel="nofollow">
Edit with PDF2Go

Use an online file conversion API

We have extensively tested and evaluated several tools to find the best file conversion API for our service. Of course, you can use them as well!
Check out our partners over at and use their file converter API in your own project.