What is the PDF2Go educational account?
At PDF2Go, we focus on creating secure online solutions of significant value to our users.
The continuous acquisition of knowledge and new skills is of utmost importance to us. Therefore, education is one of our priorities. It is a process that takes place in educational institutions and also outside of them. Investing in education is essential to create even better tools and contribute to making work with PDF documents effortless for everyone.
Those involved in the education process, whether they are educators or students, participate in creating a positive climate that ensures growth, development, and improvement for us all.
The educational account is the result of our effort to help teachers to transfer knowledge more effectively and to make it easier for students to acquire it. Easy-to-use PDF tools should be easily available to everyone, especially teachers and students.
How to get your free educational account?
Getting your free educational account is easy:
- Visit PDF2Go’s – Education page.
- Input your school email address in the specified area.
- Click on the “Get started” button.
In most instances, our system will effortlessly recognize your school and grant you access to the incredible free educational premium program.
If you encounter any issues, do not hesitate to get in touch with us for prompt assistance (via 'Contact Us' form on the website or send an email to time2help@pdf2go.com).
What are the benefits of having an educational account?
After the educational account is approved, you will get full access to our tools for converting and editing PDF documents. And yes, premium tools are included!
Using over 20 ultimate PDF2Go tools will help to:
- Increase your productivity With our tools for students and teachers, you can create and seamlessly edit your papers faster than ever before.
- Make it easier for students to complete the assignments Focus on what matters. Do not lose time on searching, installing, and testing new tools.
- Simplify your workflow Our easy-to-use tools are available from every browser or device. They integrate perfectly with Dropbox and Google Drive, making easy-to-share documents.
- World-class toolset Work with the professional tools that well-known companies use daily. Just for free.
What kind of tools can you use?
The educational account makes it easy for you to work with documents online. It also gives you the opportunity to use the PDF2Go Desktop App.
What does the Web app offer?
On PDF2Go.com, you will find all the online tools needed for converting, editing, improving, and modifying your PDF files. Some of the most popular tools exclusively available on the web include:
- Compress PDF
- Password Protect a PDF
- Optimize PDF for Web use
- PDF Creator
- Repair PDF
- Unlock PDF
- Sort and Delete PDF Pages
What does the Desktop App offer?
Despite the growth in demand for web-based solutions, the desktop usage of our converters can still be preferable. What can you expect from using a PDF2Go Desktop App?
- It includes PDF converters for turning your PDF to Word document, and Word to PDF.
- You can use PDF to Image converter to transform your PDFs into high-quality images (JPG, TIFF, PNG).
- It includes a PDF to PDF/A converter, and the option to password protect a PDF.
- The PDF2Go Desktop application is also doubling up as a free PDF Reader and allows you to preview and read your PDFs with ease.
- It is important to note that by using the Desktop version, you can process an unlimited number of files, without size limits and without needing an internet connection!
- The desktop app enables you maximum privacy by processing the files on your personal computer.
How long can you use it?
Teachers can enjoy all the benefits of having an educational account for a period of one year.
Students have the opportunity to use all the PDF2Go tools for converting and editing PDFs for free until their graduation day.
Details about the educational account
- The educational teacher account is meant for teachers who would otherwise have to pay themselves for the premium account.
- If you are looking for a school or university-wide solution, please, contact us for an individual offer.
- When signing for the account, you agree to use the educational account only for classroom work.
- Please do not abuse the system. We want to continue doing what we love, get a salary, and grow the toolset.